
When Do We Stop Testing? One More Sure Thing

Not too long ago, I posted a list of stopping heuristics for testing. As usual, such lists are always subjective, subject to refinement and revision, and under scrutiny from colleagues and other readers. As usual, James Bach is a harsh critic (and that’s a compliment, not a complaint). We’re still transpecting over some of the points; eventually we’ll come out with something on which we agree. Joe Harter, in his … Read more

When Do We Stop a Test?

Several years ago, around the time I started teaching Rapid Software Testing, my co-author James Bach recorded a video to demonstrate rapid stress testing. In this case, the approach involved throwing an overwhelming amount of data at an application’s wizard, essentially getting the application to stress itself out. The video goes on for almost six minutes. About halfway through, James asks, “You might be asking why I don’t stop now. … Read more

Test Project Estimation, The Rapid Way

Erik Petersen (with whom I’ve shared one of the more memorable meals in my life) says, in the Software Testing Yahoo! group, I know when I train testers, nearly all of them complain about not enough time to test, or things being hard to test. The lack of time is typically being forced into a completely unrealistic time frame to test against. I used to have that problem. I don’t … Read more